
Become a member of Sugar Swing today! Membership is completely voluntary, but for $28.57 ($30 with GST), you gain many benefits. You can purchase a membership online at our registration page, or contact us. If you’re loving swing, a membership pays for itself very quickly!


  • Discounts on each class series
  • Discounts on every social dance
  • Preferential treatment for volunteer positions
  • Discounts on workshops and special events

Class Discounts

The biggest benefit is discounts on classes. With every four-week series, the discount is $10. On a 6-week class, $15. On a 12-week program, $25 off (-$26.25 with GST). As you can see, with just a couple classes and a few dance events, the membership pays for itself! With Sugar Swing having up to three social dances a week, the benefits add up.

Event Discounts

With all regular events, we give a discount of $2 off each social dance under $30. With special events, the discount is typically $5 (such as New Year’s Eve).

How to Purchase

We have three standard methods for renewing or buying a new membership:

  • At a social dance or event with the door person (ensure to give your name, phone number, and email address)
  • By adding the option to a class or event registration
  • Online through our registration system

If you’re registering online but want to pay in-person, the membership is marked as “pending” until the balance is received. Also, to receive your membership card, please ask for it at the next event or class you attend.

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